Friday, April 18, 2008


Here is a picture of the damage that was inflicted upon St. Louis after today's earthquake.

All kidding aside, it was sort of fun. We even had 2 today. The first one woke up at 4:43 this morning and the first thing I thought was WHO THE HELL is having something delivered this early! But the shaking continued 15-20 seconds. I could hear my dishes rattling in the kitchen from my bedroom and stuff on my dresser moving around. But, I just laid there in bed and after it stopped, I rolled over and went back to sleep. I can't remember, are you supposed to stand in a doorway, or can you sit in the bathtub? Something about the bathroom being the strongest room in the house. Or, maybe that is for tornados....

The second earthquake happened at work and was just a short jolt. I was standing at someone's desk and all of a sudden I felt really sick to my stomach. I looked over at a computer and I could see the computer monitor shaking.

So the earthquakes came and went. It caused no major issues, no one died and could the local news please stop talking about it because it wasn't local at all. The epicenter - West Salem Illinois, is near the Indiana border.

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