Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hell to the No!

Why is that Asian girl always sobbing on the kickoff show for American Idol? I'll hate to see her when she does get kicked off. I bet she collapses on the stage in a fit of tears and despair.

Also, to the Parkway Alumni Association: Stop sending me those little post cards asking for my address! You sent it to my current address already! Ugh. Besides, the people that I cared about in high school know how to get a hold of me. Why would I want the others to know my home address?

Does anyone else love the new HBO show In Treatment as much as I do? Except for Alex, I don't like him that much. But Laura, Sophie, Paul & Gina nights are the best. I can't believe we have to watch the show in half hour intervals, I would like to see their full 90 minute sessions.


Emma said...

Ooh. I got my FINAL NOTICE the other day. Funny, they managed to find me even though I've had FIVE different addresses since high school...

There is no way in holy hell I'd give them a penny.

judikae said...

No kidding! I can't believe they sent so many notices.